By JC Poppe Special to Published Nov 23, 2011 at 12:46 PM

In the spirit of community building, Milwaukee boutique Flow Clothing, 720 N. Milwaukee St., will host an event called "TNT: Tastemakers N Trendsetters" on Black Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. that seeks to bring together aspiring hip-hop artists and producers and fashion-savvy, aspiring clothing/apparel designers to network while also collecting coats and winter clothing to donate to the Boys & Girls Club of Milwaukee.

During the event there will be performances from UKI, EuroClub, P-Rock, AmeriKas Addiction, The Cranberry Show and PPI (Position Players Incorporated). Ill Mill Clothing will be in the building, as well.

Flow owner Patrick "PJ" Jones says about this event:

"Flow Clothing Company has been in business now for six years. I consider myself very hands on and love getting to know my clientele and making a difference with my customer service. A large majority of my clientele are hip-hop artists and aspiring fashion designers.

"Every year around the holiday season I like to give back to the kids, specifically kids that cannot afford to shop at Flow. This year I want to do something that involves all hip-hop artists and aspiring fashion designers and combine that with helping the less fortunate."

Even if you aren't able to stay for an extended period of time, still make an effort to drop off a clean and lightly used kid's coat or jacket to Flow, because there are lots of kids out there that unfortunately don't have the warm clothing needed to protected themselves from the frigid temperatures winter brings along with it.

For more information about this event, go to Flow's website.

JC Poppe Special to

Born in Milwaukee and raised in the Milwaukee suburb of Brown Deer, Concordia University Wisconsin alumnus Poppe has spent the majority of his life in or around the city and county of Milwaukee.

As an advocate of Milwaukee's hip-hop community Poppe began popular local music blog Milwaukee UP in March 2010. Check out the archived entries here.

Though heavy on the hip-hop, Poppe writes about other genres of music and occasionally about food, culture or sports, and is always ready to show his pride in Milwaukee and Wisconsin.