By Jenny Rebholz   Published Aug 18, 2004 at 5:30 AM

{image1}Cieslik Celek, Cieslik Celek, Cieslik Celek ... say that three times fast. You may think it's a tongue-twister, but you would be wrong. It is the name of an up-and-coming interior design duo here in Milwaukee.

Sharon Celek and Maria Cieslik are two Mount Mary grads who decided to jump feet-first into entrepreneurship. After a short stint at a well-established local architectural firm, Celek wrestled with her true calling in the design community. It was only her first job out of school, but she could feel herself burning out. Involved in civil and university projects, she just didn't find it satisfying her creative cravings.

Celek had always admired Cieslik's work in school, but never had the chance to collaborate with her. A want ad for a freelance designer to design a boutique in the Third Ward led to Celek's resignation in November 2003 and the inevitable collaboration of these two old classmates.

Lela, a clothing boutique in the Third Ward, was the result of their creative synergy and ignited the decision to embark on their permanent business venture.

{image2}"The Lela project was a great experience. It gave me instant design gratification. It required a lot of creativity and problem solving," says Celek.

Celek, who had been planning to fly away to Spain and teach English as a second language, knew that this was the type of work she wanted to do. During a car ride, Maria says "Hey, my maiden name sounds like your last name. That should be the name of our firm." Celek decided to stay in the city and Cieslik Celek was born.

Aside from Lela, their work can be seen in Fresh, a lounge adjacent to the Japanese/Korean restaurant Saketumi on Milwaukee Street. This 1,600-square foot space, according to Celek, presents a very simple, modern and sleek design while reflecting the theme of the adjacent restaurant.

Cieslik Celek is also working on Good Harvest Market, an organic grocery store in Waukesha, in conjunction with S. L. Maher Architects. This 12,000-square foot space will be unlike any typical grocery store.

"The client wants it to have a retail appeal and be atypical," Celek says. "You will see different colors that are out of the norm for a grocery store and will find the interior to have a sustainable mindset."

Cieslik Celek is excited about the future of design in Milwaukee. "There is a lot going on in the city these days. There is a one-upsmanship starting to occur," comments Celek. "People are getting excited about design, and it is starting to get competitive."

Cieslik Celek finds great energy in this competitive vibe within the industry. Their goal is to produce unique interiors that complete their client's vision. "We want to produce a well thought-out product that stands the test of time and has an amazing aesthetic," comments Celek. "The design should reflect the essence of whatever the place is."

Their primary design focus is the hospitality industry. They want to design bars, lounges, salons, boutiques, tattoo parlors and anything that is different. "It sounds funny, but I would love to do a Laundromat," affirms Celek.

Cieslik Celek believes in researching and understanding their client and the business issues they face. They analyze other spaces and explore what works and doesn't work. They look at different approaches to traditional design patterns and push the envelope of acceptability.

When Celek left the stability of her position in an established architectural firm, many people told her she was crazy. Unlike cities like New York, Chicago and L.A. where students graduate and form design collectives, Milwaukee designers have typically taken the more traditional path, the coveted position in an architectural firm.

"I am hoping we are going to set a trend and spread the message that you can go out on your own after college in the commercial design arena," comments Celek.

Cieslik Celek finds this an exciting time to be in Milwaukee. According to Celek, "It's the right opportunity, the right time and we are ready for the competition. There is no one else in the city right now that I would rather partner with than Maria."

So, Milwaukee, say it three times real fast ... Cieslik Celek, Cieslik Celek, Cieslik Celek. It may be twisting your tongue, but it will be sure to stay on your mind. This is a design duo to pay attention to and you never know when you might be surrounded by one of their creations, maybe even while separating your whites from your darks.