By Catherine Jozwik Published Apr 17, 2002 at 5:18 AM

Marquette University's Helfaer Theater is a great place to witness prime young talent. For example, witness the zeal, humor and energy infused into the latest production, "Damn Yankees," which runs through April 21. Even non-sports fans will cheer.

It's the late 1950s and the Washington Senators are on a losing streak. Try as they might, they can't seem to beat the New York Yankees. Wives are annoyed with their husbands, who are glued to the television set half the year, watching countless baseball games.


Joe Boyd (Patrick Fennelly), the Senators' biggest fan, makes a pact with Applegate (Andy Grotelueschen), who is the Devil in disguise. He will become Joe Hardy, an exceptional baseball player who will ensure that the Senators win the pennant. However, Boyd has to leave his wife Meg (Amanda Garry) and his life, without warning. Boyd reluctantly agrees and soon realizes that being a hero can be more trouble than it's worth.

The musical score includes cheerful hits like "Heart," complete with a Senators mock chorus line; Appelgate's wickedly fun "Those were the Good Ole' Days," and the sentimental "A Man Doesn't Know," performed by Meg and Joe Boyd.

Darci Brown Wutz's choreography is ingenious, from journalist Gloria Thorpe's (Amy Nielson) swing-dancing with half of the baseball team to the seductive Lola (Jodie Schell) breaking hearts with her strong, clear voice and sultry steps. Although every actor on the stands contributes something valuable, there are a few performances that stand out.

Schell plays the perfect temptress, agile and crafty. Grotelueschen, with his booming voice, ever-present cigar and conniving manner, becomes Appelgate the Devil.

John Bobek shines as Rocky, the dense but dedicated catcher. Nielson sizzles as Gloria, the hard-working, Marilyn Monroe look-alike who will stop at nothing to get the whole story. And Conor Lane is hilarious as Van Buren, the frantic Senators' coach.

"Damn Yankees", the feel-good musical of the year, will have audience members singing all the way home. For tickets, call (414) 288-7504.

Raffle tickets can be purchased for $2 each, giving the audience the opportunity to win authentic seats from Milwaukee County Stadium, Fenway Park and Wrigley Field. All profits benefit the Marquette Theater Department.