By Drew Olson Special to Published Dec 24, 2010 at 10:11 AM

After spending most of my life in the news business, I'm a bit jaded when it comes to the "feel-good" stories that pop up around this time of year. Many of them seem formulaic and their frequency makes me think "What -- people don't do nice things during the other 11 1/2 months of the year?"

This story from the Boston Globe, however, did strike a chord in my Grinch-like heart. I think you'll enjoy it, too.

My holiday wish is that everyone tries to do something nice. I'm starting by sharing this.

Happy holidays.

Drew Olson Special to

Host of “The Drew Olson Show,” which airs 1-3 p.m. weekdays on The Big 902. Sidekick on “The Mike Heller Show,” airing weekdays on The Big 920 and a statewide network including stations in Madison, Appleton and Wausau. Co-author of Bill Schroeder’s “If These Walls Could Talk: Milwaukee Brewers” on Triumph Books. Co-host of “Big 12 Sports Saturday,” which airs Saturdays during football season on WISN-12. Former senior editor at Former reporter at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.