By Allen Halas OnMilwaukee Staff Writer Published Aug 29, 2024 at 12:06 PM

August 31st is International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD), and the City of Milwaukee is utilizing that date to increase awareness with a series of events aimed at remembering those who have lost their lives to drug overdose, supporting families, friends, and survivors affected by the citywide crisis. 

In collaboration with RISE Drug Free MKE, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services, and a coalition of community organizations, the Milwaukee Health Department detailed a lineup of activities at a press conference on Thursday alongside Mayor Cavalier Johnson, County Executive David Crowley and a host of city leaders.

At the heart of Milwaukee’s IOAD programming is the Rhythm & Soles 5K Walk/Run, which will take place on Saturday at Veterans Park. The walk/run is dedicated to the friends and family members of those lost to overdose, as well as individuals who have survived overdoses. It provides a space for participants to remember their loved ones, engage in healing activities, and reaffirm their commitment to preventing future overdoses.

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley
Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley

In addition to the run/walk, the event will include grief support sessions, free Narcan distribution and training, yoga and meditation, and a children’s programming as well. A range of local resources will be available, provided by organizations including Celebrate Recovery, The Phoenix, Milwaukee Fire Department/MORI, and Vivent Health.

In order to increase accessibility, shuttles will run between Veterans Park, Washington Park, and Mitchell Park from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. For more information, attendees can visit

Beyond Veterans Park, a memorial tree is currently set up in the Milwaukee City Hall Rotunda until September 5th, where visitors can place ribbons bearing the names of loved ones lost to overdose. On Saturday, the Hoan Bridge will be illuminated with 668 purple lights to honor the overdose victims in Milwaukee County for 2023. Further details on the bridge lighting can be found at Light The Hoan’s website.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, an estimated 107,543 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in 2023, with 668 of those deaths taking place in Milwaukee County. While Saturday's events cannot bring those victims back, they can provide resources, awareness and training to prevent that number from rising in the future. 

For more information, please visit the City of Milwaukee Health Department website