UPDATE: The Sausage has been found!
:: Source in a Cedarburg bar reports two men entered with the abducted Guido, said "you didn't see this," dropped him off and ran. — Steve Chamraz (@tmj4steve) February 28, 2013
The Milwaukee Brewers and the Klement's Racing Sausages have a long history of promotions including one where one of the iconic sausages "goes missing" but in this case - at least for now - it seems like Guido, the Italian Racing Sausage, is actually MIA.
It was last seen in Cedarburg, but not since.
And, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a Pleasant Prairie mustard company is willing to give the person who returns Guido a year's supply of mustard.
For those wondering, no one is quite sure where Randall Simon is at this time or if he's a prime suspect in this caper.