By OnMilwaukee Staff Writers   Published Feb 01, 2009 at 11:39 AM

"Bar Month" at is back for another round! The whole month of February, we're serving up intoxicatingly fun bars and club articles -- including guides, unique features, drink recipes and more. Grab a designated driver and dive in!

There are two versions of the old adage that recommends a specific order of beverage consumption to avoid a major hangover. One version goes, "beer before wine, and you'll feel fine" and the other version claims, "wine before beer, and you're in the clear."

So, which is it? Wine first? Beer first? Never, ever mix the two? Sound-off, Milwaukee, about how to consume without wanting to die the next morning.

"Wine before beer." It's easier for your body to absorb weaker alcoholic drinks, like beer, so it's crucial to drink beverages with less and less alcohol throughout the night. Also, it's easier to process carbonated alcoholic drinks, making beer a better late-night choice if you're not ready to switch to water.

"Beer before wine." Beer is the ideal starter beverage. Drinking beer first eases you into wine, which usually has a higher alcohol content. The bottom line is, too much of either beverage, in either order, is a recipe for a killer headache / hangover.