By OnMilwaukee Staff Writers   Published May 04, 2008 at 5:17 AM

I don't know about you, but a lot of people can drink like prom-goers in their 20s without so much as a faint headache, but at some point in their 30s, they wake up to hangovers from hell.

At the same time, other 30-somethings seem less afflicted and can party like it's college time.

What was your experience like? Did your hangovers change when you turned 30? 35? Sound-off, Milwaukee, and spare us no details!

My hangovers got much worse in my 30s. I definitely think my hangovers got worse in my 30s.  I went from being able to drink whatever I wanted to having to seriously cut back or suffer extreme consequences. Now, if I have more than a couple drinks --or if I do not stick to the same beverage all night -- I get a wicked hangover.

My hangovers are the same. I did not notice much of a difference in my hangovers since I turned 30. They are just as mild or just as awful as they were 10 years ago. Maybe my 40s will affect how much I am able to drink in one night.