It’s Mother’s Day, so if you haven’t contacted your mom, stop reading this and do so. If the card was already sent, consider this week’s sound-off question: Do mothers deserve more recognition than fathers?
Mothers, after all, endured child birth -- except in the case of adoption -- so shouldn’t they forever deserve the utmost respect in the parenting world? And adoptive and biological moms alike often times take on more responsibility with the kids simply because most women are better emotionally equipped for the job.
But what are your thoughts? Should mom get recognized as the Top Dog or does dad deserve just as many high fives?
Mom is queen. Moms are the backbone of most families, not to mention the one who takes on the most physical and emotional challenges for their children. Dads are great, but they’re in another category that cannot be compared to motherhood.
Mom and Dad deserve equal props. Unless we’re talking about a dead-beat dad, most modern dads are just as involved in kids’ lives as their moms. Dads enrich a kid’s life in so many ways, and many are very nurturing, so they deserve an equal amount of recognition.