For many of us, by the end of September we are no longer focused on our yards and start to move back indoors physically and mentally. Are you one of these people or are you still wearing the gardening gloves and reaping the goods?
Sound-off, Milwaukeeans with green thumbs, and let us know how you are feeling about your garden right now.
Still gardening! My garden is still producing tomatoes, peppers, herbs and so many more edibles that I am definitely not done with the garden for this year. I hope to reap pumpkins and / or squash soon, too. Autumn gardening is the best, because the weather’s cooler and it's less buggy.
Done gardening! I am already thinking about next year’s garden. I am done with the garden for now, and with my yard in general. It looked great all summer, but now it’s starting to die off and prepare for winter. I've definitely shifted my focus to the indoors. Go, Pack.