By Matt Mueller Culture Editor Published Jun 11, 2024 at 12:16 PM

The Great Milwaukee Summer is HERE! Your guide to what you'll be doing, where you'll be drinking, who you'll be hearing and how you'll be getting a sweet tan this summer is on OnMilwaukee. The Great Milwaukee Summer guide is brought to you by Geis Garage Doors and Peoples State Bank

Watch out, Summerfest cup-stacking: The Big Gig today revealed a new reusable souvenir cup – complete with discounts on beer refills – available for sale and for use throughout the three-weekend music extravaganza.

The plastic souvenir cup will be available for $5 at the Leinenkugel Bar located by the UScellular Connection Stage, Keg & Cask on the south end near the Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard and the Terrapin Trailer found on the lake walk. There, at any of those three spots, thirsty Summerfest fans can also nab a dollar off any draft beer refills with their cup. And when you're done for the day, you can wash the cup out at home and bring it back for more discounted refills each day throughout the Big Gig. 

The goal of the cup – beyond giving attendees both a souvenir to remember this year's Summerfest by and an excuse to enjoy even more tasty brews – is to help continue improving the festival's sustainability and eco-friendliness. 

“Partnering with Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic on this initiative to offer our fans a reusable cup for the festival speaks to our environmentally conscious patrons, while also helping us reduce waste and improve sustainability,” said Milwaukee World Festival Inc. president and CEO Sarah Pancheri, in a release.

“When we approached Summerfest to ask them to help us meet our city Climate and Equity Plan goals, their answer was an immediate yes,” added Ald. Marina Dimitrijevic, in the release. "'The World’s Largest Music Festival' just got even better and greener. If they can do it, we can all make changes that have huge impacts today."

For more information on the souvenir cup and other community initiatives at this year's festival, check out Summerfest's website – and for beyond beer at the Big Gig, click here for the festival's day-by-day music and entertainment schedule. And stay tuned to OnMilwaukee for more updates as Summerfest is ... wow, just about nine days away!

Matt Mueller Culture Editor

As much as it is a gigantic cliché to say that one has always had a passion for film, Matt Mueller has always had a passion for film. Whether it was bringing in the latest movie reviews for his first grade show-and-tell or writing film reviews for the St. Norbert College Times as a high school student, Matt is way too obsessed with movies for his own good.

When he's not writing about the latest blockbuster or talking much too glowingly about "Piranha 3D," Matt can probably be found watching literally any sport (minus cricket) or working at - get this - a local movie theater. Or watching a movie. Yeah, he's probably watching a movie.