Its official, the stage has been set for the Survior: Samoa finale on Sunday night; a two hour special that will surely leave our heads spinning. Will Brett Strong arm his way into the finals? Will Foa Foa make it all the way to the endgame intact? If so, which of their own will they bump out just before the finale three? Will someone finally grow some cojones and blindside Russell already? The suspence!! I am just glad we dont have to wait a full week to find out.
I must say that I was shocked and a little sad to see Shambo go. Her's was a true success story. Many people can't recover from being outcast early in Survivor. (Trust me, I know) Shambo was able to outlast nearly her entire tribe, never once rolling over or giving in to the "90210" crowd. She spoke her mind, called people out and stayed true to her self. From the start, she was the sort of fumbly, bumbly type that you wouldn't expect to survive the first vote. She did survive it though, and thirteen others. All the while, with that glorious hair.
I was really glad to see Sham's mullet in the spotlight. Previous to last nights episode, it was sort of the elephant in the room. It was great to hear Russell talk about it, and then Shambo talk about it, Jeff talked about it, and then Sham talked about it some more. Maybe its the hair stylist in me, but I was thrilled to see those luxurious locks get their fifteen minutes. Lets just hope she doesn't go all "Hollywood" on us and change it for Sunday's live finale.
Last night's episode was a great lead in to the big show. Brett is like the little cockroach in Foa Foa's house that they just can't kill. With a jury made entirely of his friends and tribemates, they better try a little harder to squash him. I was incredibly impressed with Jaison's reasoning to take out Shambo, while keeping Mick in the game. Mick is a much larger threat, who is becoming more questionable daily, but he will be beneficial when it comes to keeping Brett from continuing to wear the immunity necklace.
Its a risky move, but hopefully one with a large payoff. I can only hope that a Foa Foa will win the next two immunity challenges and that Mick and Jaison hatch a secret plan to oust Russell from the final three, to sit before the jury with Natalie. And then I hope Jaison walks out with a million bucks, or maybe Natalie.... Then again, I actually like Mick a lot too. One thing is for sure, if they dont get rid of Russell, any one of them is going to have to make the argument of a lifetime to win the million dollars.