By Molly Snyder Senior Writer Published Feb 07, 2003 at 5:33 AM

"We have never been more excited about the possibilities for our band than we are right now," says Steve Hawkins, drummer and leader of the Kenosha band, The Other Side. "Matt, Andy, Betsy and I all have the same goal in mind and we are willing to do whatever it takes to reach it."

The Other Side's music is a dramatic mix of rock, metal, alternative and pop. Frontwoman Betsy Ade has been described as having the voice of Alanis Morrissette and the stage presence of Gwen Stefani, but slightly older audience members will hear hints of Pat Benatar and sprinkles of PJ Harvey. Other band members include Matt Specht on guitar, piano and vocals and bassist Andy Cismoski.

Whether live or recorded, the band's energy level is incredible. Their energy and sound are already receiving a positive response outside of Milwaukee. "We have been invited down to Austin, Tex., to play for the Invasion of the Go Girls during the SXSW weekend in March," says a very excited Hawkins. "More proof that we have something special."

OMC: How did your band form?

SH: I guess the band initially started in 1995 with Matt and Lucas (Betsy's Brother). I joined the band in February 1998. I was working as an intern at a recording studio in Kenosha and a band called The Other Side came in for a weekend to record a demo. The drummer they had at the time had a bit of a timing issue and the band had heard me playing a little bit in between takes while we were trying to fix a technical issue with the headphones. I think it was the next day that their manager at the time pulled me aside to see if I would be interested in playing with the band. I said "sure" and Matt and I practiced every night for a week so that I could re-record drums to five tracks on the demo and I haven't looked back yet.

About a year later our bass player decided to marry his girlfriend so at the ripe old age of 18 so he quit the band for wedded bliss. We began looking right away because we still had shows booked. Betsy found an ad at Parkside for a guy who was looking to play. I contacted Andy and invited him to a show. After the show he came up and said that he could definitely add something to what we were doing. He was right, and Andy being the newest member of the band has just recently celebrated his fourth anniversary with us.

OMC: When did Betsy Ade join your band and what has she added to the mix?

SH: As I recall she has pretty much been in the band since around the time I joined. She had recorded a track on the band's first release as a gift to her brother and she would often join the band onstage to sing that song live and also add in some harmonies for others. As time passed she became a more integral part of the band which ultimately led to her taking hold of the lead spot and making it her own. As I look back it has been really quite amazing to watch her growth as a singer, songwriter and performer.

OMC: How does Betsy changed the dynamic?

SH: I think the band as a whole has always had really diverse influences and we have evolved those influences into a sound that we believe is rather unique. So as Betsy started offering her influences into the songwriting process it was just another step in that evolution. Our music has always been lyrically motivated and I know both Matt and Betsy truly feel the joy, pain, and excitement of each song every time it's played. Just watch us at practice and you will know that the stage act is no act. We all get into it when no one is looking as much as we do when there is an audience.

OMC: Are you pleased with this album?

SH: I love it. It's a new time for the band -- we all have fresh ideas and a renewed commitment to ourselves and to music. That's what this album represents to me and I think you can actually hear that come through.

OMC: How would you describe your music?

SH: Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


OMC: Stephanie Dosen is opening for you on Friday night. How did this come about?

SH: I recently worked on a benefit project with Stephanie and we became fast friends. She is so talented and a very special spirit. I really love her music. If you have not had a chance to see her this is a great opportunity to do so.

OMC: What other Milwaukee bands do you support?

SH: Our friends in Random Maxx. Some of the funniest and creative gents I've met in a long time. Also our friends in Exit. Such a good band, and hard working. They continue to create opportunity for themselves and I have no doubt they will be very successful.

OMC: What influences you to create music?

SH: For years before I latched on to the music scene I was always searching for something more, never really satisfied with anything I did. Playing drums and recording gave me the outlet for creativity I was looking for. I guess I feel like if can escape the mediocrity of the work-a-day world for just a little while than it will have all been worth it. Not sure if that makes any sense, but it does to me and that's why I keep going. So far it has paid off.

OMC: When did you start drumming?

SH: I started playing drums in January or Februrary 1997. Some friends of mine would mess around on the guitar and bass while I would smack the s**t out of a five-gallon bucket. So I went out and bought a kit. My place of employment at the time had storage spaces in the basement so they let us use one to practice. I had a key to the place so I would show up their to practice sometimes at 2 or 3 a.m. and when they would come in at 8:30 a.m. to open up the store I would still be down there playing. I guess I just like to hit things.

Molly Snyder started writing and publishing her work at the age 10, when her community newspaper printed her poem, "The Unicorn.” Since then, she's expanded beyond the subject of mythical creatures and written in many different mediums but, nearest and dearest to her heart, thousands of articles for OnMilwaukee.

Molly is a regular contributor to FOX6 News and numerous radio stations as well as the co-host of "Dandelions: A Podcast For Women.” She's received five Milwaukee Press Club Awards, served as the Pfister Narrator and is the Wisconsin State Fair’s Celebrity Cream Puff Eating Champion of 2019.