We're back tracking the most interesting, unusual and wacky stories from the World Wide Web recently. (Does anybody still call it that?)
It seems that former child star Rodney Allen Rippy is back in the news. Did you know the former "Jack In The Box" food chain star was running for mayor of Compton?
Neither did we.
Movie star Gwyneth Paltrow is always in the news for something. Last week it was for wearing a sheer dress that left little to the imagination. She later told Ellen Degeneres that the dress was a mistake.
News come from Iceland about a move to ban internet porn. Just another reason why some of us are glad we don't live in Iceland.
The iPhone is a pretty popular modern device that lots of people would love to get their hands on. But how many would be so anxious to get one they would try to steal it by shoving it up their butt?
Just asking.
Like most Americans, we're still reeling from the terrorist bombings at the Boston Marathon. Everybody wants answers, but an interview with the bombers parents last week left a lot to be desired. Both parents seemed convinced their sons had nothing to do with it and were being framed.
Just more proof, denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
In a stunning tribute to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings, this magazine cover pays tribute to the memory of the runners and others who were killed or injured.