It’s virtually impossible to escape football talk these days, especially with tonight's big game on the horizon. Many folks love it, and can’t chat enough about Packers-related topics, but for people who don’t care about the sport, the public’s pigskin obsession could get annoying.
So, today’s Sound-off is dedicated to those people who don’t really care about The Pack. Does all of the green-and-gold hype annoy or amuse you?
It’s annoying. I cannot believe how many people love the Packers, including people who I never would have dreamed are football fans. There’s so much more going on in the world, I can’t believe the media -- and so much of the public -- seems more excited and / or concerned about football than anything else. All I can say on a positive note is that Sunday evening’s game will be a great time to shop for groceries.
It’s amusing. I’m not a big football person, but I can’t help but to get caught up in the excitement. It’s fun to see so many people psyched up about something so simple and, more or less, wholesome. Actually, I kind of wish I could get into the Packers spirit, because it looks like fun. However, football is just not for me.