When the weather is brutally cold like it has been, most people don't escape changes in their daily life. Scraping windows and shoveling walkways come with the territory, but is your life changed in other ways, too? Do you have winter hobbies -- skiing, knitting -- or winter routines that are different than when the temperatures soar and the sun shines?
Sound-off, readers! Let us know how / if winter affects you!
Yes, winter greatly affects my daily life. In winter, I spend more time at home. I cook more, read more and pick up hobbies that I don't have time for in the summer. I like this about living in a state with four seasons: It changes the way I spend my time and makes life seem better rounded.
Nope, regardless of the weather, it's “same ol', same ol'” for me. Call me a creature of habit, but I pretty much do the same routine day in and day out, regardless of the weather. The only way winter affects me is that I'm forced to brush snow off my car, shovel and / or wear warmer clothing.